Aval Viswasthayayirunnu (1978)

January 14, 2023
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Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)    Listen Movie Details
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Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie is available to watch/stream on Eros Now Amazon Channel   Eros Now Amazon Channel has made Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie available in GB country/region to watch/stream onlineAval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie is available to watch/stream on Eros Now   Eros Now has made Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie available in IN country/region to watch/stream onlineAval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie is available to watch/stream on Eros Now   Eros Now has made Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie available in US country/region to watch/stream online

Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 120 mins.
Release date - 25-03-1978
Release year - 1978
Genres - Drama

Overall ratings and scores for Aval Viswathayayirunnu:
Happiness Score - 0/10, World Popularity Score - 0.6/100, IMDB Score - N/A, Metascore - N/A, .
Aval Viswathayayirunnu movie has Total Global Votes - 0, Total IMD Votes - N/A

Aval Viswathayayirunnu Movie Introduction: Movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu, release year 1978 is written by E.J. Kanam and directed by Jeassy. The leading star-cast in this movie are M.G. Soman, Vincent, Jayabharati along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: James (M. G. Soman), likes to travel as he is heartbroken as his love Padmini (Jayabharathi) got married to another person. James is transferred to a new place connected with his job and he accidentally meets Johnny (Vincent), his...

Movie story-line: James crosses paths with Padmini, his former lover who is now married to his college friend, Johnny. However, Johnny is unaware of their past and they try to keep it that way.

Movie synopsis: James (M. G. Soman), likes to travel as he is heartbroken as his love Padmini (Jayabharathi) got married to another person. James is transferred to a new place connected with his job and he accidentally meets Johnny (Vincent), his college mate. Johnny compels James to stay in his house. James meets Padmini, wife of Johnny, as Padmini was her lady love. James decide to stay at Johnny's house, but his contact with Padmini disturbs him. James is unable to leave the house due to the showering love and affection of his friend Johnny. Johnny's mother (T. R. Omana) finds out that Padmini was James's love, but she is convinced that Padmini is innocent. Life becomes hell for James as well as Padmini as Johnny is not allowing James to leave the house. But one day, destroying all happiness, Johnny comes to know of Padmini's past life. The climax shows whether Padmini and James are forgiven by Johnny.

Highlights - Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by -
Produced in - India
Available languages - Malayalam (),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - N/A
Certificate(s) -

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)

Lead Actors - M.G. Soman, Vincent, Jayabharati
Writer(s) - E.J. Kanam
Director(s) - Jeassy

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)

What is the release date of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)?
Release date of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is 25-03-1978.

What is the total runtime of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) in minutes?
Total runtime of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) in minutes is 123 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie?
The budget consumed to produce Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)?
Expected revenue from movie movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)?
Worldwide pupularity of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie is 0.6%.

What is the name of the production company of film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)?
Production company of film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is/are .

Which country the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is produced in?
Film production country for the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is India, .

Which language the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is produced in?
Film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is produced in Malayalam (), language(s).

Which Genre the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) belongs to?
Movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is categorized under Drama genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)?
Lead actors of the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) are M.G. Soman, Vincent, Jayabharati.

Who is the writer of the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)?
The writer(s) of the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is/are E.J. Kanam.

Who is the director of the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)?
The director(s) of the film Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) is/are Jeassy.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie?
Movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) has N/A awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) in-short?
Short plot of movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978): James (M. G. Soman), likes to travel as he is heartbroken as his love Padmini (Jayabharathi) got married to another person. James is transferred to a new place connected with his job and he accidentally meets Johnny (Vincent), his....

What is the full story of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie?
Full plot of movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978): James (M. G. Soman), likes to travel as he is heartbroken as his love Padmini (Jayabharathi) got married to another person. James is transferred to a new place connected with his job and he accidentally meets Johnny (Vincent), his college mate. Johnny compels James to stay in his house. James meets Padmini, wife of Johnny, as Padmini was her lady love. James decide to stay at Johnny's house, but his contact with Padmini disturbs him. James is unable to leave the house due to the showering love and affection of his friend Johnny. Johnny's mother (T. R. Omana) finds out that Padmini was James's love, but she is convinced that Padmini is innocent. Life becomes hell for James as well as Padmini as Johnny is not allowing James to leave the house. But one day, destroying all happiness, Johnny comes to know of Padmini's past life. The climax shows whether Padmini and James are forgiven by Johnny..

Where to find full details of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) movie?
You can find the full details of movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0271977

Where to stream or watch movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) online?
You can stream or watch online movie Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978) on Eros Now Amazon Channel, Eros Now, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of M G SomanName: M G Soman

profie photo of VincentName: Vincent

profie photo of JayabharathiName: Jayabharathi

profie photo of Jose PrakashName: Jose Prakash

profie photo of BahadoorName: Bahadoor

profie photo of Unni MaryName: Unni Mary

profie photo of SankaradiName: Sankaradi

profie photo of Adoor BhasiName: Adoor Bhasi

profie photo of Mallika SukumaranName: Mallika Sukumaran

profie photo of SreelathaName: Sreelatha

profie photo of T R  OmanaName: T R Omana

profie photo of Manavalan JosephName: Manavalan Joseph

profie photo of Kamal HaasanName: Kamal Haasan

Crew Members:

profie photo of M.K. ArjunanName: M.K. Arjunan
Department: Sound
Job/Role: Original Music Composer

profie photo of JeassyName: Jeassy
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Vipin DasName: Vipin Das
Department: Camera
Job/Role: Director of Photography

profie photo of G. VenkitaramanName: G. Venkitaraman
Department: Editing
Job/Role: Editor

profie photo of Kanam E. J.Name: Kanam E. J.
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Writer

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - Aval Viswathayayirunnu (1978)

movie poster 307198tt0271977-1

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