#Blue_Whale (2021)

March 11, 2024
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YA idu igrat (2021)    Listen Movie Details
Happiness Meter
6.038/10 60%
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YA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on maxdome Store   maxdome Store has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in AT country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to buy on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in AT country/region to buy onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in AT country/region to buy onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to buy on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV 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onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in CH country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in CH country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Rakuten TV   Rakuten TV has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in CH country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Amazon Video   Amazon Video has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in DE country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to 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wavve   wavve has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in KR country/region to buy onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to buy on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in KR country/region to buy onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on wavve   wavve has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in KR country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Google Play Movies   Google Play Movies has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in KR country/region to rent onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to buy on Apple TV   Apple TV has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in MX country/region to buy onlineYA idu igrat (2021) movie is available to rent on Apple TV   Apple TV has made YA idu igrat (2021) movie available in MX country/region to rent online

Movie basic details

Current status - Released
Total runtime - 93 mins.
Release date - 07-10-2021
Release year - 2021
Genres - Drama, Horror, Thriller

Overall ratings and scores for YA idu igrat:
Happiness Score - 6.038/10, World Popularity Score - 55.7303/100, IMDB Score - N/A, Metascore - N/A, .
YA idu igrat movie has Total Global Votes - 13, Total IMD Votes - 106

YA idu igrat Movie Introduction: Movie YA idu igrat, release year 2021 is written by Evgeniya Bogomyakova, Olga Klemesheva, Anna Zaytseva and directed by Anna Zaytseva. The leading star-cast in this movie are Anastasiya Bratsyun, Timofey Eletskiy, Danya Kiselyov along with the other stars and crew members.

Trailers, Clips, Featurettes and Behind the Scenes

#BLUE WHALE | Trailer

Movie overview and plot by

Movie in-short: Rebellious schoolgirl Dana grieves for her younger sister, a once-happy kid who suddenly stepped in front of a train. Desperate to learn what happened, she explores her sister's online history, discovering a sinister social-media ...

Movie story-line: The story of a girl who, in an attempt to understand the mysterious suicide of her younger sister, embarks on a dangerous game, hoping to stop the curators of the "death group" pushing teenagers to suicide.

Movie synopsis: A provincial Russian town is shaken by a series of mysterious deaths of teenagers. Dana grieves for her younger sister, who deliberately stepped in front of a train. She is desperate to find out what really happened. Dana explores her sister's online history, and discovers a sinister social-media game that encourages young people to take an escalating series of self-harm challenges. If they don't, they risk losing friends, family or their own lives. In order to hunt down those behind her sister's death, Dana decides to enter this deadly game, opening a doorway into the cruellest of hidden online worlds. A disturbing thriller based on actual cybercrimes that ripped across Eastern Europe. Shot in the Screenlife storytelling format, it is a film about the ways that teens can find themselves manipulated online.

Highlights - YA idu igrat (2021)

Total budget - $0.00
Total revenue - $0.00
Produced by - Bazelevs ProductionKION
Produced in - Russia
Available languages - Russian (Pусский), Spanish (Español),
Homepage URL -
Awards won / Nominations - 2 nominations
Certificate(s) - DE : 16 DE : 16

Lead Actors, Writer(s), Director(s) of YA idu igrat (2021)

Lead Actors - Anastasiya Bratsyun, Timofey Eletskiy, Danya Kiselyov
Writer(s) - Evgeniya Bogomyakova, Olga Klemesheva, Anna Zaytseva
Director(s) - Anna Zaytseva

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about YA idu igrat (2021)

What is the release date of YA idu igrat (2021)?
Release date of YA idu igrat (2021) is 07-10-2021.

What is the total runtime of YA idu igrat (2021) in minutes?
Total runtime of YA idu igrat (2021) in minutes is 91 min.

What is the budget consumed to produce YA idu igrat (2021) movie?
The budget consumed to produce YA idu igrat (2021) movie is around $0.00.

How much revenue is expected from movie YA idu igrat (2021)?
Expected revenue from movie movie YA idu igrat (2021) is around $0.00.

What is the pupularity of YA idu igrat (2021)?
Worldwide pupularity of YA idu igrat (2021) movie is 55.7303%.

What is the name of the production company of film YA idu igrat (2021)?
Production company of film YA idu igrat (2021) is/are Bazelevs Production, KION, .

Which country the film YA idu igrat (2021) is produced in?
Film production country for the film YA idu igrat (2021) is Russia, .

Which language the film YA idu igrat (2021) is produced in?
Film YA idu igrat (2021) is produced in Russian (Pусский), Spanish (Español), language(s).

Which Genre the film YA idu igrat (2021) belongs to?
Movie YA idu igrat (2021) is categorized under Thriller genre(s).

Who are the lead actors of the film YA idu igrat (2021)?
Lead actors of the film YA idu igrat (2021) are Anastasiya Bratsyun, Timofey Eletskiy, Danya Kiselyov.

Who is the writer of the film YA idu igrat (2021)?
The writer(s) of the film YA idu igrat (2021) is/are Evgeniya Bogomyakova, Olga Klemesheva, Anna Zaytseva.

Who is the director of the film YA idu igrat (2021)?
The director(s) of the film YA idu igrat (2021) is/are Anna Zaytseva.

Which awards, nominations and recognitions are won by YA idu igrat (2021) movie?
Movie YA idu igrat (2021) has 2 nominations awards and nomination in it's profile.

What is the story of YA idu igrat (2021) in-short?
Short plot of movie YA idu igrat (2021): Rebellious schoolgirl Dana grieves for her younger sister, a once-happy kid who suddenly stepped in front of a train. Desperate to learn what happened, she explores her sister's online history, discovering a sinister social-media ....

What is the full story of YA idu igrat (2021) movie?
Full plot of movie YA idu igrat (2021): A provincial Russian town is shaken by a series of mysterious deaths of teenagers. Dana grieves for her younger sister, who deliberately stepped in front of a train. She is desperate to find out what really happened. Dana explores her sister's online history, and discovers a sinister social-media game that encourages young people to take an escalating series of self-harm challenges. If they don't, they risk losing friends, family or their own lives. In order to hunt down those behind her sister's death, Dana decides to enter this deadly game, opening a doorway into the cruellest of hidden online worlds. A disturbing thriller based on actual cybercrimes that ripped across Eastern Europe. Shot in the Screenlife storytelling format, it is a film about the ways that teens can find themselves manipulated online..

Where to find full details of YA idu igrat (2021) movie?
You can find the full details of movie YA idu igrat (2021) at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15483510

Where to stream or watch movie YA idu igrat (2021) online?
You can stream or watch online movie YA idu igrat (2021) on Amazon Video, Apple TV, Rakuten TV, maxdome Store, blue TV, Google Play Movies, YouTube, MagentaTV, Videoload, wavve, .

List of full Starcast and crew members of YA idu igrat (2021)

Full Starcast:

profie photo of Anna PotebnyaName: Anna Potebnya
Character: Dana

profie photo of Timofey EletskiyName: Timofey Eletskiy

profie photo of Ekaterina StulovaName: Ekaterina Stulova

profie photo of Diana ShulminaName: Diana Shulmina

profie photo of Olga PipchenkoName: Olga Pipchenko

profie photo of Polina VatagaName: Polina Vataga

profie photo of Pavel YulkuName: Pavel Yulku

profie photo of Daniil KiselevName: Daniil Kiselev

Crew Members:

profie photo of Timur BekmambetovName: Timur Bekmambetov
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Mariya ZatulovskayaName: Mariya Zatulovskaya
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Igor MishinName: Igor Mishin
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Anna ZaytsevaName: Anna Zaytseva
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Screenplay

profie photo of Anna ZaytsevaName: Anna Zaytseva
Department: Directing
Job/Role: Director

profie photo of Anna ShalashinaName: Anna Shalashina
Department: Production
Job/Role: Producer

profie photo of Evgeniya BogomyakovaName: Evgeniya Bogomyakova
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Screenplay

profie photo of Olga KlemeshevaName: Olga Klemesheva
Department: Writing
Job/Role: Screenplay

Movie Posters and Wallapapers - YA idu igrat (2021)

movie poster 714567tt15483510-1movie poster 714567tt15483510-2movie poster 714567tt15483510-3movie poster 714567tt15483510-4movie poster 714567tt15483510-5movie poster 714567tt15483510-6movie poster 714567tt15483510-7movie poster 714567tt15483510-8movie poster 714567tt15483510-9movie poster 714567tt15483510-10movie poster 714567tt15483510-11movie poster 714567tt15483510-12

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